I've been running for years with the assumption I needed shoes with extra stability based on a old gate analysis. Came into Marathon Endurance to get a new pair for the year instead of going on line to possibly save a buck or two. Soo glad I did. Not only did I get a new gate analysis. I found out I didn't need a stability shoe, I saved a bunch of weight on the shoes which should make me faster. I also didn't spend any more money than buying online. If anything I saved, because I was able to go for a run that day. Thank you to the knowledge staff at Marathon Endurance.
I've been running for years with the assumption I needed shoes with extra stability based on a old gate analysis. Came into Marathon Endurance to get a new pair for the year instead of going on line to possibly save a buck or two. Soo glad I did. Not only did I get a new gate analysis. I found out I didn't need a stability shoe, I saved a bunch of weight on the shoes which should make me faster. I also didn't spend any more money than buying online. If anything I saved, because I was able to go for a run that day. Thank you to the knowledge staff at Marathon Endurance.