Owners are cheap, the second shift "supervisor" is clues less on how to run anything other then a Swiss machine. The more talent you have the worse they treat you. Company has a revolving door for anyone that is not family. Family members make a mistake and they blame someone else. They hire and fire as they please with out a care in the world. Low quality machining at its best. I would give this company zero stars, based on quality of parts that they have sent out knowing they where bad. By far the worst company I have ever worked for. I do not recommend anybody work there or get work done there.
Owners are cheap, the second shift "supervisor" is clues less on how to run anything other then a Swiss machine. The more talent you have the worse they treat you. Company has a revolving door for anyone that is not family. Family members make a mistake and they blame someone else. They hire and fire as they please with out a care in the world. Low quality machining at its best. I would give this company zero stars, based on quality of parts that they have sent out knowing they where bad. By far the worst company I have ever worked for. I do not recommend anybody work there or get work done there.