This facility closes immediately following the normal duty day. My fellow soldiers and I cannot comprehend who this gym is supposed to be facilitating. I have submitted an ICE comment expressing my, and several other soldiers', concerns regarding this matter. I have made the suggestion of keeping the same number of operational hours, only breaking them up between morning and evening to better facilitate soldiers' different scheduling needs. That way, they can alleviate the need to pay mwr employees for more hours. On behalf of all of us that work all day, I look forward to having my submitted comment followed up with some logical reasoning or solutions.
This facility closes immediately following the normal duty day. My fellow soldiers and I cannot comprehend who this gym is supposed to be facilitating. I have submitted an ICE comment expressing my, and several other soldiers', concerns regarding this matter. I have made the suggestion of keeping the same number of operational hours, only breaking them up between morning and evening to better facilitate soldiers' different scheduling needs. That way, they can alleviate the need to pay mwr employees for more hours. On behalf of all of us that work all day, I look forward to having my submitted comment followed up with some logical reasoning or solutions.