This school could definitely use some improvements. The system that they use to handle children who need extra assistance is not the best, because you constantly see young children running in hallways screaming, and nothing proceeds to happen after this. The teacher lets it happen. There are definitely some teachers who care about the students and know exactly how to meet every individual student’s needs. This is not an excuse for the other teachers who have no idea how to teach. I have seen a teacher who was yelling at her students to get them to quiet down. The classroom was compete chaos! Kids running around, yelling, and they looked like kindergartens even though they were in 4th grade. Horrible and overcrowded school.
This school could definitely use some improvements. The system that they use to handle children who need extra assistance is not the best, because you constantly see young children running in hallways screaming, and nothing proceeds to happen after this. The teacher lets it happen. There are definitely some teachers who care about the students and know exactly how to meet every individual student’s needs. This is not an excuse for the other teachers who have no idea how to teach. I have seen a teacher who was yelling at her students to get them to quiet down. The classroom was compete chaos! Kids running around, yelling, and they looked like kindergartens even though they were in 4th grade. Horrible and overcrowded school.