Absolutely the worst insurance company on the planet. By all means necessary go in a different direction. Prior authorizations are a joke. They have horrible customer service. They wont cover things they should and attempt to get you to pay for it without your knowledge. You have to advocate for yourself many times over if you want any chance of getting a prior authorization to be accepted. I was so bummed when blue Cross blue shield dropped out of the marketplace and I was forced to go back to Molina. STAY AWAY
Absolutely the worst insurance company on the planet. By all means necessary go in a different direction. Prior authorizations are a joke. They have horrible customer service. They wont cover things they should and attempt to get you to pay for it without your knowledge. You have to advocate for yourself many times over if you want any chance of getting a prior authorization to be accepted. I was so bummed when blue Cross blue shield dropped out of the marketplace and I was forced to go back to Molina. STAY AWAY