I have used Johnny's service 6 times over the last four years. With three different cars. I've found Johnny's attention to detail is excellent. I leave my car in the morning, they drive me to work then pick me up when it's all completed. They always fit me into their busy schedule, have the best products and the end result is unbeatable. I would HIGHLY recommend their detailing service to any as particular about their automobile as I am. These days there are very few owner/operators on site working 14hr days, Johnny is usually on location working side-by-side with his trained staff. Give them a shot, you won't be dissappointed!! 6/17/15 - JS
Dec 01, 2018
Steffen Zimmerman
Never had a bad experiance, John is a picky detailer. He never leaves wax or blemishes on your car. If you want a job done right take your car to this guy. Ive taken several of my cars to him and my paint has always looked like new when it was done!
I have used Johnny's service 6 times over the last four years. With three different cars. I've found Johnny's attention to detail is excellent. I leave my car in the morning, they drive me to work then pick me up when it's all completed. They always fit me into their busy schedule, have the best products and the end result is unbeatable. I would HIGHLY recommend their detailing service to any as particular about their automobile as I am. These days there are very few owner/operators on site working 14hr days, Johnny is usually on location working side-by-side with his trained staff. Give them a shot, you won't be dissappointed!! 6/17/15 - JS