There policy to employees, If the employee doesn't find there mistake within 14 days, too bad you don't get paid. You spend your time, your effort, with your vehicle, insurance, gas and they keep the revenue because you didn't find the mistake fast enough. I found one to many mistakes and they fired me because they thought I was on some witch hunt to sue them. There are some paronoyd people in management there. Once you got on the nerves of people, dispatch won't put you on calls for deliveries. You sit for three hours with nothing to do.
There policy to employees, If the employee doesn't find there mistake within 14 days, too bad you don't get paid. You spend your time, your effort, with your vehicle, insurance, gas and they keep the revenue because you didn't find the mistake fast enough. I found one to many mistakes and they fired me because they thought I was on some witch hunt to sue them. There are some paronoyd people in management there. Once you got on the nerves of people, dispatch won't put you on calls for deliveries. You sit for three hours with nothing to do.