If I could leave no stars I would. After my horse passed away my vet gave me the phone number for this company to come get him. I was in tears when I called and the man who answered the phone was cold and rude. He told me they couldn't do anything for me unless my horse had been moved from the pasture to the driveway. I understand that with the business they are in requires them to be a little "hardened" to this part of the business but I feel like the man on the phone could have been a little more compassionate. When the truck came to pick my horse up I had him covered with his blanket to keep him from getting rained on and they took the blanket as well as his body. (The blanket was in nice condition and as many horse people know those blankets aren't always cheap) When we contacted the company about the issue, the man on the line said that their drivers have never once taken a blanket and that I was mistaken but that they would check with the driver that day to make sure and give us a call back. We were never contacted back about the blanket. A few weeks later we put in another call in regards to the blanket and we spoke to a woman. She said she would personally take care of everything and call us back. That time a man did call us back and seemed a little irritated that we were calling again and stated that they did not take the blanket. I know the blanket isn't a huge deal but it's the fact that they took it and denied doing anything with it when I would have liked to have it to use or have to remember him with.
Not very clean